Saturday 14 October 2023

 American Dream

In the land where dreams are sown,

A tapestry of hopes is known,

The American dream, a beacon bright,

Guiding stars through the darkest night.


But in this land of promise wide,

International students, side by side,

Carry burdens, dreams in tow,

Challenges they face and know.


They come from distant lands afar,

Seeking knowledge, reaching for a star,

 In pursuit of the American dream,

A path not always what it may seem.


Visas and paperwork, hurdles to clear,

Miles from home, loved ones dear,

A foreign land, a different tongue,

Where they strive, where they've begun.


Cultural clashes, a shifting ground,

Navigating customs, unfamiliar sound,

They find resilience deep within,

As the journey of learning begins.





They toil in libraries through the night,

Balancing jobs with studies, the fight,

For opportunities, they sacrifice sleep,

Their determination, a secret to keep.


But despite these challenges, they soar,

In the classroom, they thirst for more,

They weave dreams like threads in a loom,

Creating a tapestry that will brightly bloom.


For the American dream, it's not defined,

By borders or colors, it's intertwined,

With those who dare to chase the light,

In the land where dreams take flight.


International students, hearts so bold,

In pursuit of knowledge, stories untold,

They embody courage, strength, and grace,

In this land where dreams find their place.




So let us honor those who strive,

To make the American dream alive,

For international students, the path may be steep,

But in their journey, hope and dreams run deep.


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